
Azienda Agricola Saggese L'Antico Agrumeto a Mare

In locality called Mulino di Mare (Flour Mill of Sea), of a biological farm certified A.I.A.B. - I.C.E.A, in our B&B at only 150 meters from the sea, we give to you the hospitality for vacations and weekends between lands and the smells of the Gargano, and its ancient history...

"It It goes them of the Flour mills to water and the Garden of citruses of the Gargano":

With buying and selling action of the 1897 Saggese family it acquires one of the famous Garden of citruses of the Gargano, ("the citrus grove, olive grove, uncultivated and rural house"), that they represent a characteristic dowel of the historical agrarian landscapes of agricultural Italy, true and just a Italian garden: along degrading benches ("terrazzamenti") towards the sea, the olive trees (on the side south, less exposed), united to the colonnades of the ilex and bay trees disposed to chessboard every 30 meters (the so-called the "Squares of Citruses"), appear in function windbreak to protect from the North-west wind the typical citrus groves of the Gargano (are as soon as obtained the Protect Geographic Indication: I.G.P.).

Here, between old manufactureds (the "Cottages"), ruins of flour mills to water and fresh rising sources from the Umbra Forest, are taken a walk encircled from luxuriant garden of oranges and lemons whose goodness was famous already from XI the century. "One says that it is much gentle the odor of the orange groves on the lido of Rodi Garganico, to make to come the tears to the eyes when it is the time of the bloom. Orange groves and citrus groves fill up all the dales and dress every back of that coastal one, where emerge, to nourish them, many springlets of water..."(R. Bacchelli, La Stampa, 1929), sourly contended between millers and citrus-fruit growers.

With a King Vittorio Emanuele's Ministerial Decree of 1934 of, recognized compatible the users of the irrigation and that one of the drive of the Flour mill of the Sea, considered "the use ab immemorabili, and sure in thirties years 1854-1884 of public waters for the innaffiamento of just the citrus grove, it was granted to the Ingegner Saggese Raffaele the concession for the public water derivation for 30 years".

Inside inserted of the National Park of the Gargano (Protect Citrus Oasis), from 1996 it is lead from Dino Saggese, son of the holder, graduated in Agrarian and specialized in Biological and Biodynamics Agriculture.